Terms OF Service

Please read my TOS before commissioning me!

Terms OF Service

★ no refunds after 24hrs
★ i am allowed to deny a commission
★ please allow a 2 week window before asking for updates.
i am balancing college on top of commissions.
★ credit my art appropriately
★ i do not do nsfw
★ i will not draw anything discriminatory or controversial
★ for more characters in one piece (ship art) will be double of full price (2 fulls will be $30, etc.)
★ backgrounds are usually given with solid color and transparent. if wanting a more complex background we can discuss prices
★ usually i dont include props unless i feel like it, but if you would like anything added please ask. it will slightly increase the price
★ i take full payment before starting a piece
★彡 regarding art trades;
★ if you ask to trade,
i will wait for you to finish your side before completeing mine
★ if i ask to trade,
i will work on my side as soon as possible and plan to finish before you finish yours


DM me on Instagram to ask about commissions!